Thursday, April 25, 2013

Go Ruck Challenge - it's time

The weekend of Go Ruck has arrived! Saturday at 12:00 a.m. the challenge will begin. This challenge is designed to be 8-10 hours and 15-20 miles. It is not a race, it is a team challenge. Up until this week there were only four of us - Lori and myself then two other guys we don't know. One of the amazing boxing trainers at TITLE signed up this week - thank you Rachel! Rachel also convinced a few other victims to come along! Currently our team has more than doubled, I think we are at 9 (they normally cap out at 30).
Here is a quick video to showcase what this event is all about:

About three weeks ago I was doing well, working out constantly, eating great...then spring break hit and I haven't gotten back on track since then. Definitely slacking; therefore, tomorrow should be interesting. Hopefully I will be able to hold my own out there running around the streets of Missoula.

An interesting aspect of this challenge is you are required to carry bricks. I will be carrying 4. 
 I wandered around the garden department until I found these bricks, $0.49 each. I loaded them up on my arms, which made me a bit nervous once I got to the register and was winded from carrying them - uh oh. That was maybe 3 minutes...I have 597 minutes more coming up. Turns out bricks are heavier than I thought - and significantly more awkward and sharp. No wonder they have very specific requirements on how to 'wrap your bricks'. They also recommended training with them - should have adhered to that. Lori on the other hand has been rocking it - training with them and all! Good Work! 

 On the very detailed video they described wrapping bricks with lots of duck tape and some bubble wrap. I also opted to pick up some foam sheets. We'll see how this goes, wish me luck.

I'll be brining the Go Pro for this event, however the battery only lasts a few hours and this challenge is ten. I wanted to have still images too (that weren't on the Go Pro) so I rummaged around a box of old stuff and found my small, waterproof, shock proof camera- woo hoo! I couldn't find the battery charger so I picked up a new one today.  I'm set to capture the memories.
Go Pro and waterproof camera
Aside from not working out for the past three weeks, I'm a little nervous for tomorrow because I've been sick. My migraines, which normally go away after meds, haven't for three days. I was also lucky enough to get a sweet little head cold. Sounds like I'm making excuses, better stop that now. We all know how I feel about excuses (see past post here)
Things to load up on prior:

As for gear - here is their list

A ruck or backpack – any bag. Although we think GORUCK rucks are the best for Challenge (and anything else too)
Bricks: Four if you’re under 150 pounds, six if you’re over. Life isn’t fair. Wrap your bricks in something, a t-shirt or whatever, and then cover your future souvenirs with bubble wrap and duct tape
Headlamp (mandatory for all night classes) 
Gloves, a windbreaker (required when temperatures are below 50 degrees), and
          everything else you need to stay warm 
Chapstick for sure, and sunblock if it’s, wait for it, sunny. Use your judgement. 
One form of identification and $20 for a cab, just in case 
One team weight per class: 25 lbs minimum 
One American flag per class, the bigger the better. We like Annin, but no pressure. 
Friends – it’s probably less scary that way.
friends: Lori
friends: Rachel
super cheap bag - hope it doesn't rip
vibrams - hope this is a good choice

head lamp

chaptstick and water

According to their website the team should meet for  either a RUCK OFF or ACRT: Advanced Cellular Repair Technology
aka - 
We are meeting prior for dinner - at Taco Del Sol - probably not a brilliant plan :) Post ACRT will be lunch Saturday. 

Post Go Ruck footage coming soon!!