Saturday, November 16, 2013

Feeling Envious's World's..right now as I am typing. I am having some pretty strong reactions to watching the photos appear online. Definitely tearing up. Clearly, I am not there and instead am on my couch in some of the worst muscular shape I've been in. I'm not going to make excuses - things transpired and when it came down to it I didn't have the funds to make it happen. I made some difficult and wonderful choices and chose to purchase a house over race money. As for the lack of being in shape that's another issue I'm ready to fix -I don't know how - or mainly when - but I'm going to fix it. As for World's - it WILL happen. There is no question to it. I don't plan something and not accomplish it. As I continued to look through the first 100 photos that were posted form the first 1/3 of the 24 hour race I was filled with envy and passion. I wish I was there and not feeling like a failure here. That's all.