Friday, February 1, 2013

4% ~ make tomorrow your today

4% - a small, yet significant number.  A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. It isn't about HAVING time to work out, it is about MAKING time to workout. If you would have started your workout when you first thought about it, you'd be done by now.
Legitimate Excuses:

  • working late
  • weather
  • too late
  • too early
  • too tired
  • sore from the last workout
  • making dinner
  • running errands
  • picking up kids
  • watching kids
  • taking kids to activities
  • no money for a gym pass
  • busy studying
  • hate the gym
  • my back hurts
  • it's boring
  • I worked out yesterday
Ohhh, wait.... these are NOT legitimate excuses. There is no excuse. Find a way and get it done - 4%. 
    Sometimes I do not get a workout in, but there isn't an excuse. I just flat out didn't make it happen and should have. I find my biggest obstacle is running. I am not a runner, I am learning to become one though. I have to keep an organized schedule (perfect for my ultra type a personality) of workouts for the week compared to when I have Zoey, photoshoots, and work meetings. If I'm not careful I will miss too many days in a row without a decent workout. Thankfully, I love making lists and organizing my agenda. 

My Workouts:
   Recently I joined a new gym that opened here in Zoo, Title Boxing Club. I'm really loving it. I leave dripping in sweat - head to toe. It's a great atmosphere with a very friendly staff. The trainers are fantastic and I have been encouraging everyone I know to give it a shot - how can you resist, your first session is free! 
My first innocent victim that I convinced to come! 
Joining me! 

      Last week, I called the gym and talked to Chris, the owner. I asked him about their policy with kids. I knew they offered family passes and young kids could participate. However, I wasn't sure about small, tiny children, such as Zoey. I quickly mentioned she could sit in a corner with the iPad and if she caused any problems, I'd leave. Great parenting skills, I know..but hey, I'm making time! His initial response started to sound like I was out of luck..followed by "ya know, we don't just allow young kids, we encourage it. In fact, I should make it a requirement." Score! Zoey can come!! How awesome is that, pending she cooperates of course. Her first session was that night. She loved it. She didn't even use the iPad. Instead she sat, watched, and mimicked my workout; as you can see from the photo montage. Fingers are crossed each session goes that smoothly, we'll see.
   Another place I spend a lot of my time is the gym at my work, the High School weight room! I love working out here for multiple reason:

  1. rarely anyone else in there
  2. blast my own music over the speakers
  3. no hours
  4. Zoey is allowed to join me
The only thing the weight room is lacking is a treadmill and the fact that it is 35 miles from my house. However, it satisfies all of my weight lifting duties.
   One Tuesday's I join a few co-workers and get worked out by personal trainer, Shannon Jones, in an adult ed class. She is great and very inspiring.
   Another median I use for working out is Hart Adventure Boot Camp. Personal trainer, Cindy Hart, runs an amazing program and I love when I am able to attend her classes. There is a link to her site on this blog! Try it out!!
View from my deck, including the trail.
Running along the Kim Williams.
   Finally, there is the outdoors. I live off one of the many trail systems in Missoula, a definite requirement for future house shopping! Trails in Missoula are plentiful which makes running easier and more enjoyable. This is the area I need the most work on.
Top of the M.


Overall, it is about making time, not having time. Make tomorrow your today!!!

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