Thursday, January 3, 2013

An overview of the year to come...

It's official. I am competing in the Tough Mudder's most extreme race - World's. This race is 24 hours during the brutal elements that winter brings. It will cover countless miles of intense, military based obstacles. Extreme fatigue will quickly set it. Mental stamina will be necessary to pull me through. This blog will showcase the trials associated with preparing for such an adventure. Follow along, wish me luck, and join me if you dare- I'd love the company! :)

Countdown before me...
5- Ran my first TM in Arizona - officially addicted
4- Realized a regular TM race wasn't enough...bring on World's.
3- Goal - qualify in the next two years.
2- Enter race 2 - Las Vegas - finished in the top 5% - thus, qualifying for World's, scratch the 2 year goal.
1- Train my ass off for 317 more days.

In your free time - a.k.a stop pinning things or stalking news feeds for 18 min - then check out this video- it sets the tone pretty well.

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